Is Spying On Coaches Unethical?

coaches parents players Sep 04, 2023

Watching coaches or teams train is necessary

A parent asked me to help out the other day by watching her daughters team training and give feedback on the coach.

If you are a parent or player and you’re considering joining a new team or just training with them, go out and watch them, discreetly if necessary.

Wear a disguise. A MAGA hat or Antifa mask. Whatever you need to go undercover.

Watching a coach or team when they don’t know they’re being observed is the best way to gauge what their training sessions look like. Is it spying? Most coaches can talk about development on the phone or via email. This lets you see if they actually walk the walk.

Being critiqued and held accountable by players and parents is one of the best ways for coaches to improve IMO. In fact, it is one of the best ways to improve in all areas of life. If you are not open to critique, you're selling yourself short in terms of your personal and professional development.

What do you think? Is discreetly watching another team or coach unethical or just a case of being smart and informed?

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