Become An Expert Soccer Parent 

6 Easy-to-follow steps to help you become an expert in the soccer player development process. Learn everything a parent needs to understand to help your son or daughter from birth to college.

Additional advice and workouts to help your son or daughter improve their game. Go through the content together for maximum benefit. Get started today!

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What Makes This Parent Guide So Helpful?

Imagine having a detailed, step-by-step guide to the entire player development process in soccer, from birth to college. Then imagine that the information, worth multiple thousands of dollars, is available for FREE. Yes, seriously. Giving the guide away allows parents of all financial backgrounds to benefit from the content.

You'll learn why every stage of the player development process is crucial, beginning from early engagement at the youngest ages. You'll learn about soccer at at levels including Recreational, Club, High School and importantly, a detailed look at College Soccer and the recruitment process. What has taken me 20+ years to learn (as a player, coach, referee, club director and mentor), I'm going to teach you in just a few hours! This is the ultimate guide for parents & players.

For your son or daughter, the individual training content is a game-changer and if they implement the work in training and games, they'll see an immediate improvement in not only their performance but more importantly, their ability to be an effective leader, to connect with and inspire their teammates and their mental capacity to withstand pressure situations.

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