Why Training In Small Spaces Is Essential For Development

coaches players Jul 03, 2023

"We've got this huge field, let's just have a game!"

So many coaches get caught up thinking bigger is better when for the majority of training time, the opposite is true. A small space is your friend and crucially, it is much more beneficial for players. 

Why? Players get more of everything they need to improve and develop.

  • More touches.
  • More pressure.
  • More decisions.
  • More Interactions.
  • More Fun.

You get the idea.

This doesn't mean every single practice has to be in a small space. There is clearly value in training in a bigger space (just like you use in games), providing you work on exercises that are going to help players improve, not just run around aimlessly. That said, smaller spaces should make up the majority of your training time if you want your players to excel.

If you are not training in small spaces, your players really are missing out.

Imagine how many times they touch the ball and make a decision on a full field compared to how many decisions they make and how many touches they get in a 10x15 yard 4v4+4 rondo for example. Pressure is constant, interactions happen quickly and split-second decisions are essential (otherwise you are guaranteed to lose possession).

You don't need to do anything crazy; simple rondos and possession games will be more enjoyable and beneficial for players than 90% of the drills you find online.

Keep it simple.

Keep it small.

Keep your players engaged and developing.


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